Unemployment Chart

The EPA’s giant green jobs-killer

Wonderful! More job "un-creating" news from the faltering Obama administration. Not to mention that this policy will boost electric bills for residential and business customers of the affected utilities.
The EPA’s giant green jobs-killer
Michael A. Walsh - NY Post - August 22, 2011

Get ready for the sacrifice of tens of thousands more American jobs (at least) to feed the fantasy of “clean energy.” Even as the “green jobs” promise proves to be a lie, the Obama administration is getting set to force the shutdown of countless power plants across half the nation....
With unemployment still sky-high, new jobless claims routinely hitting 400,000 a week and consumer prices rising, is this really the time to hobble the nation’s reeling economy further?
Absolutely, says autocratic EPA chief Lisa Jackson -- who could possibly be against improving the air quality for up to 240 million Americans? “Just because wind and weather will carry air pollution away from its source at a local power plant doesn’t mean that pollution is no longer that plant’s responsibility.” 

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